Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things Need to Consider Before Using the Room Radiators

       Radiators and convectors are heat exchangers designed to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for the purpose of space heating. The heating radiator was invented by Franz San Galli, a Prussian-born Russian businessman living in St. Petersburg from 1855 to 1857. Since then, room radiators started to become one of the indispensable home appliances for many families around the world.
       Correctly balanced radiators are an excellent way to heat rooms. To work efficiently they must be adjusted so that each radiator produces enough warmth to do its job without depriving other radiators of the hot water supply. Making sure that the room radiators give out enough heat, without depriving the next radiator of all the hot water, necessitates adjusting three valves on the radiator. The procedure needs no previous plumbing experience.
       In addition, the size of room radiators also needs to be considered. The size of radiator required for a room depends on two factors. Firstly, you have to decide the temperature that you want it to be able to maintain. Secondly, the heat loss from your room should take into consideration also. The calculations for this are quite complex since they depend upon the size of windows, numbers of doors and, in particular, the construction materials used in the building to get an accurate radiator size. Too big and the system will overshoot its temperature and be less economical to run; too small and it won't reach its desired temperature. This calculation produces a heat loss figure in watts, of how much heat you need to warm that room up to the design (and desired) temperature from -3 deg C in one hour.

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